2 December 2014

A Brief Respite

At the beginning of every single year, I resolve to be more organised.  At the end of every single year, I kick myself for being so bloody disorganised.  Well, no more.  You, my friends, are my witnesses.  2015 is going to see a new me.  A manic diary-keeping, list-writing me who has all Christmas presents bought/made and wrapped by the end of September.  I shall have meals planned weeks in advance, my social engagements will be cleverly-arranged and equidistant, and my life will run like clockwork.

Did you just see that pig fly past the window? ;-)

How are you?  Are you buzzing with festive excitement or are you slightly frazzled too?

By way of a brief respite, I thought I'd pop by and take the opportunity to share a few 'happies' with you ...

 No flashing reindeer badges for me yet - I am completely smitten with my new pretty felt flower corsage and am wearing it nearly all the time, mostly pinned to my Miss Piggy Ponchette.  It is my second purchase from this lovely lady on Etsy.  I'm thinking it would also look rather cute on a crocheted hat?

❤  I have a serious mitt habit, lest you'd not noticed.  Using my own pattern,  I've made myself another pair of Rosie Mitts, this time in spring brussels sprout green.

❤  Candles.  I can't pretend I'm liking these dark evenings one jot but fragrant flickering candles and twinkling fairy lights do help.  My favourite Yankee Candle is currently Snowflake Cookie - it is just how I imagine heaven must smell.

❤  Slowly, slowly I'm introducing little Christmassy touches, each one causing a teeny frisson of excitement.  I know some of you already have your trees up but we have a gazillion birthdays first.  I rather like the gradual build-up, it's like festive foreplay! ;-)

❤  Beautiful sunrises.  No filter.  No words needed.

❤  Crumpets.  What can I say?  Hot and dripping with butter.  It's a comfort (and elasticated waistband) thing.

❤  My new calendar.  I'm sorry Katie Daisy but you have been usurped.  2015 will be Caroline Gardner and her Muchly Lovely Family Organiser's year.

❤  One of the aforementioned December birthdays is today.  My baby boy is 16.  Sixteen!!!  We spent last weekend in Nottingham to celebrate.  We had a fabulous supper at Jamie's Italian and then the boys went to a Kasabian concert (which is a little ironic considering all the band members live within a mile of us here in Leicester, with one of them just around the corner).  I shall be cooking his chosen birthday supper of risotto tonight and I daresay he will pester me for my "when I was in labour for 25 hours …" story.  Not!!!  (A quick reminisce is a mother's prerogative on her child's birthday is it not?!)

Of course, it goes without saying that I was extremely young when I had him. ;-)

Have a super week all and I'll see you soon.



  1. My daughter is 16 tomorrow!!!
    I was also extremely young, but I know that I was not as young as you as I have just had a birthday which required a little additional celebration and a sparkly ring (and a big balloon with a number on it from someone who calls themselves my best friend). I was of course..... 42, nothing with a 5, no sireee, 42 it was.
    Not sure what we are doing for the 16th birthday, she gets to celebrate next weekend. I know there will be shopping, food and I will not be invited but will be footing the bill. Hey Ho!

    1. Love it!!! If it's any consolation, I'm very shortly going to be celebrating another birthday too - it will have a 3 in it, but sadly not in the right place. Belated returns (42 of them) to you and a very happy day to your daughter tomorrow. ;-) x

  2. Now I want to go buy crumpets and a candle! Have a fabulous celebration din-din with your baby boy!!!

  3. So much loveliness Heather _ I too love a bit of gradual Christmas decorating, not quite so overwhelming somehow, my Christmas Pixies are now all over my kitchen, and maybe the tree will follow next week.
    LOVE all your mitts, you are so clever and they have such a uniqueness that is totally yours ! I've been making mittens too, becomes a bit addictive doesn't it !
    And then there's the sunset and the crumpet and your gorgeous son - where to start. Enjoy all the birthday celebrations.
    Ok, I'll shut up now !! Have a lovely rest of week Heather, Big hugs, Kate xx

  4. Happy 16th to the merry boy! I shall be outdoing you in being organised to the extent that I plan to comment on your posts even before you write them. Everything you make is always lovely and admirable so I feel safe enough in dishing out advance praise and admiration. Myself, I shall soon be a multiple of 11.

  5. Great 16th birthday celebrations and to you on your number 3 but not in the right place birthday. I am all but done on the christmas present front only a couple of friends and colleagues to get I even have D's all sewn up this year which is a complete miracle as he's a terror to buy for. A lot of our birthdays come right after Christmas including mine but mine will have a 2 & a 5 and these are not in the right places either:-)

  6. Happy 16th birthday to your son. In a remarkable coincidence I too have decided to be monumentally organised next year. Every room will be decluttered and clean. Every meal will be planned and shopped for in advance - no more 4.30pm panics. And I'll be ready for every event, and calm and serene at all times. I'm so looking forward to it.

  7. Happy 16th to Master Blondie. Gosh, where does the time fly? Big Bear will be 15 in a few weeks and I just cannot get over how he towers over me now. Sob. Your brooch is really rather gorgeous, as are your super duper mitts. I have no room for any more accessories in my life, but will that stop me? Will it heck.

    Ahhhh this is such a lovely post sweet H, I may just linger here a little longer with my cuppa xxxxxxxxxx

  8. Happy birthday to your son! Your new calendar is so pretty. I'm looking for a new one myself; I usually get a free one in the mail from Betty Crocker every year for being a member of their online community, but I'd like something more artistic this time around. Hope you're having a good week.

  9. I also love gradually decorating for Christmas - like you say, festive foreplay :-)... only problem is àfter the holidays, only then you realize how much decoration you have put ;-)))
    PS - big fan of Yankee Candles as well ! Too bad not many shops here in Belgium sell them, that Snowflake Cookie, I haven't seen that anywhere :-(

  10. Happy Birthday to your son!! It sounds as though you are having some lovely Christmas preparations moments. I nearly bought that candle today, but I got a different one, it did smell delicious though, so I can see why you love it so much!! I have got my Christmas cushions out and am burning a gingerbread candle, but that is all that I can see right now that is Christmassy, but it will come! A lovely post. Thank you. xx

  11. Happy 16th to your son.... you can't possibly be old enough (wink...... house point for me) Love your Rosie mitts pattern and I will be purchasing it once I've mastered your other gorgeous pattern!! I've been hunting out the perfect calendar for next year without any luck ( I'm sooo fussy!...well you do have to look at it everyday) love the one that you found! Sarah xo

  12. Lovely pics again Heather, especially the cozy candlelit house, love that! Happy birthday to your big boy. When I lived at home we had the same thing. Mum's birthday is mid December and the tree was never allowed up before her birthday. It didn't seem to bad at the time, but in these forward days the trees are up earlier and earlier!

    S x

  13. Happy birthday to the 16 year old. We have a 24 year old here, and he's the youngest! But of course I too was very young when the whole escapade began. I am trying to ignore the fact that it began long enough ago that I now have a 5 in the wrong place. As for Christmas, I think I'm in denial.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Anyone ever told you that you're a peach? xx
