25 March 2016

Best Laid Plans

I fell over on Wednesday.  Splat!  Just like that.  It was my own silly fault; I was running with Bertie on the lead.  He zigzagged in front of me and down I went.  My right knee has swollen up like a purple tennis ball and my left hand is covered in scrapes and cuts.  It's a bit of a shock when you fall over as a grown-up.  It's not supposed to happen.  Luckily, (though not for him), my seventeen year old son was with me.  He picked me up, gave me a big hug and helped me hobble home while I blubbered like a child.

It came at the end of a very difficult week so it was quite nice to be able to have a self-indulgent sob while my lovely boy fussed over me.

My little shop has taken a bit of a back seat this week.  Several things out of my control have frustratingly stalled proceedings - the wood on the outside of the shop is rotten in places and is having to be removed and filled before it is painted, I'm still waiting for the sign, an electrical issue needs to be addressed, etc.  I'm a little disappointed because I really hoped to be open by Easter but I remind myself that it's not even been two months since I received the keys and so much has been achieved already.  You've all been so kind and your vicarious excitement and support have boosted my confidence no end.  Thank you.

To make things ever so slightly more complicated, we will be moving house in the next couple of weeks.  I know, right?!  I don't do things by halves my friends!  We had planned for it to happen in the summer but the right property has become available and circumstances have dictated that it should be sooner rather than later.

I have been reluctant to set an actual opening date for my shop before now lest I should end up having to change it and let people down but I have now decided to cite Friday 29th April 2016.  If perchance I am ready before then, I will quietly and without pomp and ceremony, open my door to the public.

Forgive me for sounding a little flat, will you?  It's not my usual way at all but I wanted to pop by and say "hello".  I'm battered and bruised and a little overwhelmed at the moment but will re-emerge like a butterfly of positivity very soon, mark my words.

Have a truly wonderful Easter break my lovely friends.

Back soon.



  1. Have a well-deserved break, Heather. So excited for you. Wishing you a happy Easter! x, Oyee

  2. Oh dear poor you. Perhaps it's a reminder to slow down an itsy bitsy little bit. New business & house move within a month is a big ask. Well done though, and vicarious excitement from Lancaster. We are going to Cromer in May so might just be able to make a detour to see your shop. Penny xx

  3. Sorry to hear about your fall! The extra few weeks will get you through your move and your shop will be well and truly titivated by then! X

  4. Take care of yourself over Easter, it sounds like you need to take 5 minutes out with a brew and a hot cross bun! xx

  5. Bless you, I've had lots of falls, nothing like I remember as a child! Deep breaths, thinks will work themselves out. Happy Easter! :) xxx

  6. Take it easy lovely lady. I'm a great believer in what will be will be so go with the flow and don't put too much pressure on yourself. We are all waiting with baited breath and will be excited whatever day you open xxxx

  7. Oh Heather, I'm so sorry you fell over, I do hope you're all better soon. I went flying the other week, running home from football to get a spare pair of football boots. Really whacked my knees, but kept running. Arrived back with the boots, sweaty, bloody and gasping. My son looked at the boots and said, "Well they won't fit will they." Grrr. Sorry you've had a couple of setbacks with the shop, but you're doing a great job. As you say it's only been a couple of months, and you've done so much. I hope everything moves on soon and that you manage to open next month. Good luck with the move as well, how lovely that you've found the right property. Wishing you a good Easter. CJ xx

  8. Goodness,what a lot to deal with. It will all be fine in the end,have a brilliant Easter and come back refreshed and ready to go.xx

  9. Goodness,what a lot to deal with. It will all be fine in the end,have a brilliant Easter and come back refreshed and ready to go.xx

  10. Poor you, it's more upsetting when you fall over as an adult, isn't it? Hope you're feeling better now and have had some time to yourself, despite your hectic schedule. Once you are settled in to both your new home and your shop there will hopefully be no more deadlines and you can take your time. Have a good Easter.
    Cathy x

  11. You'll get there my darling and all these niggles will b forgotten. Glad Easter is here to make you take a little breather ❤️❤️❤️Xxx

  12. Hope now you are good!!have a nice Easter!!Think to relax a little than all will be ok for shop!!kisses

  13. oh, sorry to hear about your fall Heather. It is such a shock. I cried loads when I fell over last year. I do hope you are soon feeling better and things fall into place regarding the shop and the move.
    Happy Easter
    Jacquie x

  14. Sorry to read about your boo boo. Ouchie! What a lovely son you have. As adults, falling down and getting hurt hurts so much more. I'm sorry you're disappointed about your shop not opening about Easter but you're doing it up right, smoothing out those little details. When it's time to open, you'll forget this little bummer. Take care.

  15. Thinking of you Heather. It hurts when we fall doesn't it, and it's harder to get back up! Have a lovely Easter xx

  16. Dear Haerher
    So sorry to hear about your fall and I wish you a speedy recovering and lots of hooky time if poss while you're laid up. Gosh, good luck with the house move and i look forward to 29th April or soon after when my friend and business partner and I hope to embark on a crafty yarny road trip which will include a stop off in Leicester! Good luck with that too and take it easy lovely lady,
    Lucy xxx

  17. Hi! I hope you are soon well about the falling. Perhaps it was a sign to slow down a little bit. I think it's better you give yourself time to move and then open the shop. When you open the shop, there is not much time for anything else. Good luck and strength for the packing and moving. x Teje

  18. *and breathe* - I guess that fall has forced you to quite literally slow down and take a deep breath! Don't fret about opening days, you know it will all go well and all these little delays will seem a million miles away once that pink door opens! Anyway, if anyone turns up early you can always bring them home to pack moving boxes...! Sending you a big soothing hug, Chrissie xxx

  19. Oh poor you!! So sorry you hurt yourself, I hope you heal really quickly. I vote all goes well with the shop and the move too!

  20. Oh poor you!! So sorry you hurt yourself, I hope you heal really quickly. I vote all goes well with the shop and the move too!

  21. WOW things are really full on for you at the moment, try and find a little bit of time to look after yourself, it seems frivolous but it will help you get though things in better shape. x

  22. Your shop looks already wonderful, when reading blogs like yours I would really love to be still living in the UK, but hey, that's life. The very best of luck with the final preparations for the shop (wish I had the courage to take on something like this) and with your move!

  23. So sorry to hear about your fall, Heather and hope you are feeling better now. It is a shock and takes a while to get over. I hope too that all your plans go smoothly, both for moving house and for your beautiful shop. Sending love, Helen xox

  24. Oh that sounds horrible, sorry to hear you've had a fall. These things always seem to happen when other things aren't going to plan as well so you feel a bit down, but I'm sure those shop issues will be sorted out before you know it and you'll be back on a high with the opening to look forward to.
    At least you can console yourself that you have a lovely son to fuss over you!
    Feel better soon
    Gill xx

  25. We are all allowed to sound and feel flat now and then. I'm hoping this week brings better things your way. And your opening date is a good one! It is our anniversary and considered very good luck indeed in our home.

  26. I hope you are feeling better now. Falls definitely suck! I was just thinking...how strange it is that here i am in a small town in Arkansas, far away, and I'm excitedly waiting for your adorable pink yarn shop to open :)

  27. Oh goodness, you poor thing! Sounds quite nasty, no one its knocked the wind out of you. Literally and figuratively! Anyway you certainly don't do things by halves! My word it's going to be a crazy time for a while isn't it? Good luck with it all, I hope it goes smoothly. So excited to hear your shop announcement though, I was just thinking about it this morning and wondering when you might open... I'll have to see if I can't arrange a road trip for that weekend! Squee!!

    S x

  28. So sorry to hear this.Do hope you are soon better and that all goes well for the future of your shop.Thinking of you and all the best in your new home.Huge Hugs xxxx

  29. Take care of yourself, you will get there. I am determined to detour from M1 on one of my rare journeys north to see your lovely shop. It looks just gorgeous. Your blog makes me happy whenever I read it, such beautiful photos and colours.

  30. Oh dear hope you have healed from your fall. I'm so excited about your shop, I can't wait to come and have a little spend in your lovely shop. I hope the house move goes smoothly, at least you won't have snow. we moved at the beginning of December nearly six years ago and it had snowed and then snowed on the day too, minus 5 my how we did laugh!! xx

  31. I am very excited for you about your pretty, yarny, pink shop! I did a similar thing when I was a young mother, but I started with a partner and it was her intrusive husband that was our undoing, so I applaud you for doing this on your own. I can't wait to order some of that luscious yarn from your online shop, as I live in Oregon USA and doubt I'll be able to pop in to your real shop. *C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S*!* ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  32. Congratulations - your shop looks so lovely - the window display is so enticing. I would definitely spend more than a few pennies if I was passing and I'm so bad at crochet. Wishing you lots of luck in your venture. We have an independent sewing shop in my town launched a year or so ago and it's a joy to visit. I'm sure your shop will be the same. Jac x


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Anyone ever told you that you're a peach? xx
