12 May 2014


Do you ever feel that you're stuck in a bit of a colour combination rut?

I do.

I'm like a moth to a flame when it comes to soft pinks, turquoise blues and mint greens but there are some colours and tones that are not even on my radar.

Are you always drawn to the same colours?

I get terribly impressed with other people's clever use of colour.  Some of my recent favourites are Maaike's blanket, Wink's wrist warmers, Nikki's chevron stripes, Vanessa's scarfSuzie's Humbugs and Sandra's version of Suzie's Humbugs.  For me, all of these combinations have an element of surprise or daring about them and I love that.

I have, over time, accumulated quite a variety of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino colours so, using them as my palette and some of my own photographs for reference, I decided to set myself a little challenge.  Remember, I'm talking inspiration here, not pantone matches ...

It's actually really good fun and does get you thinking outside the box, if you know what I mean?  It also makes you realise which colours you have perhaps been avoiding.  I was completely struck by the lack of dark colours in my stash.  Top of my yarn shopping list is now a charcoal grey and a dark clay brown.  I think I shall also keep my eyes peeled for a few red-based tones.  It's all very well having a selection of pretty colours to choose from but sometimes it takes a more earthy tone to frame or anchor them and stop them being too garish.

See how Sandra uses browns and grey in her Boho Stars capelet here ...

It's so clever, don't you think?

Of course, colour combinations are very much a case of personal taste and even mood.  I'd love to know your favourites.  Even better, if you fancy playing my 'photo inspiration' game and blogging about it, do share a link with me.



  1. I love all of them! But particularly 1, 5 and 8 from the top down, I am no good at colour matching, and have found this method to be the best way to find colour combinations that work well together. Thank you for your beautiful blog!

  2. You have some great colour combinations there, very beautiful and beautiful inspirations too! xx

  3. I love your colour combos! I tend to do something similar when I'm looking for inspiration. I especially love the yarns that go with the pink Hellebore flower and the lilac on the blue background! The most original is the street of coloured houses! Great idea!

  4. I love how you created your colour selections, it really is a very good idea.

  5. I love this post, such a good idea! I love the palette you get from the houses, I think that's my favourite but there's a lot of good combos, I like the boldness of the red flower one too. I'm blushing too, because you mentioned me on your list of favs, thank you so much for the link love! <3

    S x

  6. I have a couple of colour palettes that I have always tended to stick to, but recently things have been changing and I have been drawn to include other colours I never would have. I now use a lot of grey and browns and tans. These seem to balance out the brighter colours well and ad more depth to the gentler shades. I'm using more orange, which is a colour I loathed....but I can only pair it with certain colours to be able to stand it! The same with purple. I cannot take purple....even worse LILAC! I can only stomach a heathery shade of purple if teamed with a deep or olive green. Then it's ok!

    I saw a colour way on pinterest that I adored. Different for me and I've used those shades in my latest project. I'm loving it, but I went off piste with the pattern and got annoyed and put it down for a bit. I'll pick it up again soon though as I really do love the new shades.

    Have a lovely day H.


    1. I'm chuckling at this message Vanessa. On Sunday I was at Hen's discussing a quilt she's making me and I stated that it must not have any purple in it! At one point I was shown some fabric and it had little bits of ourple in it! I think I shouted "ABSOLSUTELY NO PURPLE" hehehe! I've just ordered some pastels and browns for a big blanket project and for a change of colour palette.
      Sorry Heather. Helloooooooo!!! 👋👋👋 I love your crochet and think you pick lovely colours. I think that's always the way when we spend time making items. We see the colours differently to someone else.
      Hope you're well lovely.

  7. I have been mulling over this very topic lately. Like you, I tend to stick to my tried-and-true loves of pastels - *always* pink, but I have mixed in the occasional deep taupe and greys. I *want* to try new shades, I even bought some lovely Sublime yarn in a bold coral and deep teal, but they still sit on the shelf. I need to find a way to incorporate new, different colours without actually making something I won't use or like! I wonder if there's a solution...Chrissie x

  8. This is a lovely blog. I'm really taken with colours and love to read the Colour Collaborative blogs. I struggle with white or cream but I love pinks and purples with greens, especially a bright green. I am doing a baby blanket using a square each of rainbow colours but as it is a little boy I have 2 greens and 2 blues, so 9 rather than 7 colours. When I pile the squares together they feel so vibrant and exciting. I can't wait to get it finished but will be sad to see the colours go.

  9. Oh Heather - what a brilliant post, it had me gripped from start to finish, as I was reading the bit about 'are you stuck in a colour rut' I found myself answering out loud 'YES ! '
    Its so easy isn't it to always be pulled towards the old familiars. I absolutely love how you have matched your colours to your photo's, such a clever idea.
    When I look back at all the things I have made I very much tended towards the neutrally beigey, taupey colours,then came grey and slowly , slowly a few little colours are beginning to creep in. Its definitely something that I have to make a conscious effort to look at though.
    The link you recommended the other day with all the colour ideas has been really interesting to look at too, as have all the other replies to this post.
    Thank you lovely Heather - fascinating stuff ♥
    Kate xx

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. What an interesting post. Recently I've been compiling colour palettes on pinterest to use as ideas for colour combinations for crochet projects. I find that sometimes colours that work well in a particular medium (ie. paper) don't work in the same way in yarn and viceversa. I do struggle with colours that are not in nature, there are some pinks for instance that sometimes I find a bit odd and difficult to combine.

    The art of colour combination is difficult, isn't it? and in my humble opinion, it is an art in itself.....
    The other thing is the seasons, in the autumn/winter I am more drawn to chocolate brown/burgundy/beige/ dark orange type of colours and in the summer to brighter ones. Using cotton and wool can also alter the feel of the garment and the palette for each type of yarn tends to be different.....
    I have been recently working on my Nordic shawl, which I am loving as a project but I have struggled a bit with the colour combination. I chose celadon green as my base colour and realised that it is not the easiest colour to combine with.... I look at it as a challenge but it can definitely make or break a WIP.

    Of your colour palettes, I see number 3 and I very much think is you. I associate you with those colours.
    I particularly like your palette number 5 as I love blues and greys...

    I also love how Sandra has very successfully combined a variety of colours in her cape, I hope she creates a pattern for it!!
    Have a lovely day.... Pati xx

  12. Great post, I loved them all but the houses, (4&5) gorgeous. I have fallen in love with grey and brown too...it's strange how yet 5 years ago I wouldn't have touched them with a barge pole!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you create next. Sarah xo PS Hope your parcel full of loveliness arrived safe and sound xo

    1. Yes it did, thanks so much Sarah. The fabric is so pretty I'm scared of cutting into it though. I might just have to keep it to gaze at and stroke from time to time!!! x

  13. Such a wonderful post I just love it, I'm alway insprired by nature when it come to colour.
    Clare x

  14. Can we ever get enough of color inspiration. Love this post! The first color combo from teh picture with the lilac really touches my heart. And so many others. Fun to compare pictures with the actually stash. Something I could do with my Tilda yarn as I have 50+ shades to play with. I see a colorful game coming on. Thanks for the inspiration and I might copy you straight off and make my own inspirational post like this one day. PS the first combo would make a great Nordic Shawl... And the poppy seed (2nd picture would make for a great classy Boho Stars capelet...

  15. Hi

    I have just discovered your blog this week. Some lovely things and photographs. I definitely find I struggle sometimes with colours. I always thought I was pretty good but there are occasions when I sit back and look and think where was my brain when I came up with that idea then:-) still it's nice to know I am not on my own.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Anyone ever told you that you're a peach? xx
