Believe in yourself and all that you are.
Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
I wanted to take a moment to thank every single one of you who commented or sent me a message after this post. I responded to very few of you, I'm sorry. I didn't feel able to at the time. It's not been sitting very well with me that I haven't properly and gratefully acknowledged the time you took to contact me.
I will continue to talk very candidly about depression. It is something I am not ashamed of or am willing to hide. I am extremely passionate about doing my own tiny bit for bringing the subject out into the open. It's far too important and affects far too many people for it not to be addressed.
You are so very precious.
Never let anyone or anything make you think otherwise.
Flowers always brighten anybody's day, I tend to take loads and have them as screen savers. I love reading your posts and quite right why should depression be hidden away when it affects so many of us. I myself have good days and bad, although I don't suffer that badly, but it seems to be always in the background of my life, ready to remind me that I still have a way to go. Keep thinking of writing a journal type blog, as sometimes writing things down makes me see things clearer, but at the moment it's just a thought.
ReplyDeleteLove always xx
Supporting a person is sometimes just what you need. My relative is having a really tough time with his depression at present, and has been since his diagnosis 4 years ago.
ReplyDeleteHe feels unable to talk about it and I think cannot accept that a 'man' should have these problems. I think he feels as though he has let us down. I understand how hard it is to live with someone in this situation, and reading your candid posts have helped me in dealing with this too.
best wishes to you Heather.
Bernice x
Thanks for your candidness, it helps x
ReplyDeleteHello Heather!
ReplyDeleteKeep going and don't apologise or beat yourself up about things. I always love to read your posts no matter what the subject, and your photos are beautifully inspiring.
Take care xxx
Thank You Heather ~ your words help to strengthen others more than you probably realize xo
ReplyDeleteYou are so right! I hope you can hold that inside yourself too. xx
ReplyDeleteIt's a very positive thing that you're doing, and it certainly does help. Thanks, Heather, for being brave and honest.
ReplyDeleteCathy x
Don't apologize, I love reading your blog and I'm glad you are so open about it. I think it will help you in the long run. Take care
ReplyDeleteThank you Heather, and also thanks to everyone who writes from the heart. It all makes comforting reading.
ReplyDeleteHi Heather. Please do not apologize. You are beautiful and special to us all. I deal with depression, so I know the road you travel. Just know that I understand. You are not alone. Carol xxx ooo
ReplyDeleteHi Heather. Please do not apologize. You are beautiful and special to us all. I deal with depression, so I know the road you travel. Just know that I understand. You are not alone. Carol xxx ooo
ReplyDeleteCarol has perfectly worded my thoughts too! No apologies, thank you for sharing where you are and best wishes for more good days. You are one very special lady xx
ReplyDeleteOh you sweet thing... just what my troubled soul needed on this day. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteJust take things one minute at a time. I suffer from depression-it seems to run in my family. No apologies needed. Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteI agree. It shouldn't be a taboo subject. I'm glad you are open about it. Take care x
ReplyDeleteLong-time lurker, first-time commenter. Thank you so much for sharing your struggles with depression. We need brave voices like yours to bring this out into the light. My husband has depression, as do my dear friend and her young son. Your sharing helps me better understand this disease and be supportive to them. May you feel the love and support of all your blog followers, especially on your toughest days. Big hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteUnless you have experienced Depression then people don't have a clue.I have suffered with Depression most of my life.I am a fighter though and like you am not ashamed of it.It's amazing when you do talk about it,just how many people are also experiencing it.Some of my friends have admitted to taking medication when they need to.I haven't had a bad attack for a long time now,and hope the BLACK CLOUD stays away for a long time yet.I do hope the shop is doing well,and wish you only the very best of everything in the future.Sincere Huggles xxx
ReplyDeleteWith you all the way for raising awareness and normalising of depression. Hang in there chick. You, yes you, are awesome,
Thank you to you for your beautiful words and rose!!!lots of hugs!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so brave and such an inspiration Heather, I'm so sorry to hear you've been through all this but so glad that you're now on the up. I hope you had a good holiday and are looking forward to coming up with lots of new plans for your beautiful shop. Can't wait to see the online shop and your special Pink Milk Palette kits!
ReplyDeleteSending you a big virtual hug and take care
Gil xx
It is important so important that we share. Because it might you get through your dark times, it might help me get through mine. Sometimes as you know it os so nard to get through it. But you have made it and me too. Im proud of you for being so very strong to speak out. I send you love and hugs. I feel its not necesary that you speak to each individually and pot to is all is good enough. I'm just glad your okay and doing good and you can now be open with it. With love Janice
ReplyDeleteHi Heather, I have just come across your blog from Attic 24 and read your post on your depression. I do hope you are feeling much better and that you always know you are never alone. Take real good care of yourself and take your time. Sending you a big cuddly hug. x Gail
ReplyDeleteHello dear you, I admire you for writing about this, and I also know what depression is... It is very painful,
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so beautiful,
Love from Ida